Anti-corruption is a multifaceted topic that touches upon various administrative,
financial, political, social and economic aspects. Accordingly, it cuts across a
wide-ranging group of laws that cannot be gathered in one exclusive and definite
list. This e-compendium includes a group of major Arab laws that are directly connected
with the implementation of the UN Convention against Corruption (UNCAC), and provides
users with easy access to these national laws and other key relevant international
instruments. The e-compendium represents a form of free knowledge sharing between
the researchers of UNDP-POGAR, who gathered those legal texts, and other researchers
and website users, among whom several have also enriched this work with their contributions.
The texts were gathered from official sources and are made available in Arabic,
and other languages whenever possible. They are also continuously updated and expanded,
and thus do not represent an all-inclusive list of UNCAC-related laws, but do constitute
the major portion thereof.
The e-compendium includes the following categories of laws:
Specialized anti-corruption laws: This category includes laws that have been officially
labeled by the legislator as "anti-corruption" instruments, including those that
regulate specialized anti-corruption bodies.
Administrative and financial control laws: This category includes laws that organize
the State’s administrative and financial control functions, including those that
regulate related institutions such as audit bureaus, inspectors general, and others.
Public procurement laws: This category includes laws that are applicable to public
procurement processes including those that regulate related institutions such as
specialized procurement bodies and supreme procurement councils.
Law enforcement and criminalization: This category includes the laws that regulate
judicial and law enforcement bodies, in addition to criminal laws and criminal procedures.
Anti-money laundering laws: This category includes all anti-money laundering laws
including those that regulate the banking and financial sectors and specialized
enforcement bodies such as financial intelligence units, anti-money laundering units,
and similar bodies.
Other related national laws: This category includes other national laws that deal
with other aspects of the UN Convention against Corruption. These include laws on
access to information, whistleblowers, etc.
Key related international instruments: This category includes key binding and non-binding
international instruments that have a direct bearing on the topics above, such as
anti-corruption conventions, bilateral judicial cooperation treaties, and others.
National anti-corruption strategies and action plans: This category includes strategies and action plans that have been developed by governments in Arab countries to address corruption.
UNDP does NOT assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness,
or usefulness of the documents provided through this e-compendium. Incorrect information
shall be corrected or removed upon submission of supporting documents.